Auditorium Santo Spirito
Jazz Club Il Torrione
Slam Jam HQ
Auditorium Santo Spirito
Jazz Club Il Torrione
Slam Jam HQ
Project info >
GiovaInfe is a participatory project, which was launched in 2022 to "make Ferrara youth-friendly". Financed by the Municipality of Ferrara, the 2023 edition is curated by the HPO association, a collective of 11 architects under 30. The project aims to involve young people in the 18-30 age bracket, collect their "voice" and together develop concrete ideas and proposals for building the future city in which to live. The cycle of meetings of GiovaInfe 2023, is entitled Provincial, an invitation to collect a series of internal points of view on the themes of provincialism and a-metropolitan living.
The project reflects on the concept of 'provincial', a commonly used term with an often derogatory value, and invites us in an ironic and creative way to re-discuss the terms in which marginality and provincialism can on the contrary be resources for what we could call 'a visionary limitation': to give value to the province by raising awareness among its young people and stimulating a new self-determination, finding alternative resources and opportunities to the contemporary urbanisation of large population centres. Different questions and ideas are framed and disseminated in the context of the Ferrara community through a cycle of three meetings. The review moves on two levels: a local one and a national one. The latter is activated through an Open Call involving youth realities active in marginal territories. The project lays the foundations for a publication summarising the experience, with which it will be possible to subsequently trace paths already experimented elsewhere and successful to be replicated in Ferrara itself.
Comune di Ferrara
Francesco Sossai
Claudia Durastanti
Jonathan Clancy
Eva e Franco Mattes
open call guests
Agnese Spolverini
live music by
Etta Simone
Real Timpani
Carolina Martines
Comune di Ferrara
Francesco Sossai
Claudia Durastanti
Jonathan Clancy
Eva e Franco Mattes
open call guests
Agnese Spolverini
live music by
Etta Simone
Real Timpani
Carolina Martines