
Project info >

HPO HQ is our space in the city centre of Ferrara. HQ stands for “headquarter”, a word that derives from military vocabulary and that indicates a centre from which various operations are orchestrated. We like to think about our office as a control station for the different platforms on which we operate, both in their physical and virtual realms.

The space comprises of two main ambients divided by a translucid filter, a yellow PVC tent. The first room has a strong connection with the outside, here is where we organize small exhibitions or events. When necessary it becomes an extension of our working space, drawing the attention of passers-by. The working space is located in the second room, a big table with accessible plugs is everything we need. This table represents our small parliament, around which discussions are held and decisions are taken.

To open our own space after a few months from our graduation represented a big opportunity as much as a big responsibility. This did not happen by chance, one of the simple benefits of being based in a city like Ferrara is the possibility to afford the rent for a studio in such a central position. In addition, now that we also exist as an association we were able to legitimize ourselves to interact with the city institutions and thus with the surrounding community.

Our current choice to remain in Ferrara, a provincial city compared with Milan or Rome, was taken consciously. The word ‘province’ is associated with very precise cultural significance. It alludes to a particular way of thinking and thus of working. What happens when this dimension is crossed by the internet?  Exiting our limited dimension without letting it is one of the new challenges that we will face as part of a “hyperconnected province”.